Rainbow, Easter Egger & Calico Princess...which is which?


6 Years
Jan 22, 2018
All from Hoover’s Hatchery. These photos were taken around 10 weeks old.
I initially thought, in order, they are CP, EE and Rainbow, but now I’m not so sure because the last one looks like my first flock of EE’s. The middle one is huge, so I’m assuming she is a he (no crow at almost 12 weeks, I’m praying for a miracle :fl)
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I see all pullets. The last is your EE, I believe the middle is the calico princess, so the first must be the Rainbow.
Your rainbow is a pullet, the size is because they are bred to be used as dual purpose birds leaning heavily towards meat. They are the "ranger" type of broiler that is being produced in answer to folks looking for meat birds that are more sustainable than the rapid growth cornish cross
Your rainbow is a pullet, the size is because they are bred to be used as dual purpose birds leaning heavily towards meat. They are the "ranger" type of broiler that is being produced in answer to folks looking for meat birds that are more sustainable than the rapid growth cornish cross
Man, I’ll hunt you down & hug you if you’re right! I ordered all pullets and was pretty certain I’d ended up with 3 cockerels. One I can manage, but more than that...:barnie
What would you guess these chick are plz ..just need an opinion..bought as all pullets..but I thought they could not be sexed as chick ty
It might be best to go ahead and start a thread of your own so that we can avoid confusing your post and birds with the original poster of this thread's post and birds. If you have done that and meant to share a link to your thread, it did not post. The good news is we never get tired of looking at birds and helping people sort out what they have, so as soon as we get that straightened out will be happy to help you
She thinks she's momma the brahma
Not the best photos to do a gender assessment, what can be seen appears to show female chicks, or pullets. Sexiest chicks is done by a process called vent sexing in which the internal structures of the vent are examined and determined to be that of a male or a female… however due to the complicated nature of what those parts can look like and the size of the chick that is being examined even the most experienced sechsers have only about and 85 to 90% accuracy rate which is why even "sexed chicks" can still turn out to be the opposite gender of what they were supposed to be.
I would suggest trying to get a couple of photos of each bird that show it from the side in a natural standing position so we can see the whole bird rather than seeing them just from the top.....then go ahead and start a thread all of your own with those pics

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