New chickens wont root or use nest boxes


May 21, 2020
So I got 4 new leg horns yesterday and they wont roost! They have been sleeping on the floor and laying on the floor. They have a ramp into the nest boxes whoch is secure and not to steep. I'm thinking maybe it's because they are unsure they are supposed to lay there and they came from a bad case of over crowding so may not know how to roost or anything! Any tips on teaching them to do so without picking them up/stressing them out to much?
My chickens aren’t roosting either... and they did in the brooder. Now in the big coop they’re snuggling in the wood chips. I’d love to get them up. I wonder if I should make a different roost or higher one. They have a ladder and a low 3 ft off the ground bar.
How old are they? Did the place you get them from provide roosts?

We got them from friends who got them from a hudderite family who had to many chickens, so no they had no roosts (they did at my friends but they also were over crowding them there :|) They are maybe 7-8 months old? I'm just thinking they never learned HOW to roost or anything.
We got them from friends who got them from a hudderite family who had to many chickens, so no they had no roosts (they did at my friends but they also were over crowding them there :|) They are maybe 7-8 months old? I'm just thinking they never learned HOW to roost or anything.
I have one who doesn't like roosting at almost 2 years. I found that lower roosts help. And I put her up on the roost every night so she doesn't get pooped on. She's a white Cochin- all feather. My lowest roost is now only about 4 inches above the floor.

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