New chicks...3 died...please help


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
Hi, We just got a batch of 25 chicks from Ohio in the mail. They were all doing well. It's been 3 days.

On day 2 one chick died. It was just laying on its side and we picked it up and held it until it died.

Last night, one more was just dead in there.

Today, 2 are struggling and looking like they will die soon. One has her eye completely shut. She won;t eat or drink. She just sits and stands and that is all.
The other had a pastey behind, so we cleaned it with warm water and a papertowel. She has been just standing there with her vent opening and closing and nothing else. No drinking or eating or peeping. She peeps when we pick her up so we have been trying to get water into her between the peeps.

We have pine bedding with paper towels on top. Fresh water 3-4 times a day in a waterer. Starter chick feed.

I don't want to lose any more chicks....any ideas as to what we can do to prevent more loss and to help these two babies???
Thanks, I will try the electrolytes.

I assume it is ok for all of the chicks. One of the two just died, but the one with the closed eye is still hanging on. She is standing and lays her head down to sleep.

I also raised up the heat lamp. It was reading at 95-97 degrees in a few places in there so I thought maybe it is too warm.

The rest of the peeps are running, drinking, peeping, eating and doing well.

We have another brooder (smaller) with 10 chicks and all have lived. I am crossing my fingers that they all survive!!!

The mail is rough on them. Thanks for the help!
The one with the closed eye, have you checked her eye? She might've gotten a piece of food, or a shaving or almost anything in it. I'd wash it out with eye wash or just plain water.
Sorry about your losses...

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