New Chicks Arriving Soon in Colorado


8 Years
Oct 9, 2011
I am amazed by the chicken community available on this website!

My husband Tim and I have planned to keep chickens since we were dating...and we've been married for over 9 years. We have a two year old and another due next spring; we have at least a dozen in-progress projects for the restoration of our 1920 bungalow; we still haven't finish canning everything from this year's we decided now would be as good a time as any to start keeping chickens.

We've had our coop built except for the floor for a couple years now so all we have to do is put in the floor and construct the run and we're ready for the chickens. We have four Australorp chicks arriving in a little over two weeks. I've been dinging around the forums and am excited to try deep bedding for them when they're ready to go outside. Our two year old is thrilled to be finally getting his own chickens (he loves visiting them at the local living history museum). We live on 1/7th of an acre in an urban area and have two neighbors already on our block with chickens so are very lucky to not be dealing with an inhospitable neighborhood or city government; in fact, our city offers chicken and beekeeping classes through the parks and rec department.

I'm excited to be finally starting our chicken endeavor!
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from WA. glad you joined us

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