New Chicks - mosquitoes - worry yay or nay?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 26, 2013
Cadwell, Ga
Ten new little dumplings in their new brooder box under the carport. The chicks are resting peacefully but the blasted skeeters are on them as bad as they are me. Should I worry? If they were up & pecking, I'd say no worries- they'll eat 'em. But the chicks are resting & those mosquitoes appear to be feeding. Can they bite chicks? That's a lot of fluff.
It is so hot & humid here in Georgia right now I hate to completely cover the box with more than the hardware cloth that's over the top now. I don't have any porch screen on hand for tonight. Should I put a sheet over the box until I can get some? Or am I being a worry-wart?
Ten new little dumplings in their new brooder box under the carport. The chicks are resting peacefully but the blasted skeeters are on them as bad as they are me. Should I worry? If they were up & pecking, I'd say no worries- they'll eat 'em. But the chicks are resting & those mosquitoes appear to be feeding. Can they bite chicks? That's a lot of fluff.
It is so hot & humid here in Georgia right now I hate to completely cover the box with more than the hardware cloth that's over the top now. I don't have any porch screen on hand for tonight. Should I put a sheet over the box until I can get some? Or am I being a worry-wart?
Skeeters transmit fowl pox, West Nile etc. .... Skeeters also don't handle the wind very well. a small electric fan may keep them at bay till morning. Or, on the other hand a fan may also chill your chicks and kill them. Oh well, first you pays your money and then you takes your chances. Good luck.
I found an old window screen & laid it over the opening of the brooder. When I checked on my babies, um, I mean, chicks later, the screen was covered in thirsty mosquitos trying to get to that sweet meat. Since it's so gosh darn hot here, I leave a small fan blowing over the top now to keep them away. Oh, the joys of motherhood

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