New Chicks with Mama Hen Outside... Is it too HOT?


8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
The heat index in S. Georgia is going to be over 110 degrees today. I have the mama and babies in a run with plenty of shade and sand to bathe in, and water of course. I'm just worried it's too hot for them. Should I bring them in for the day? I have NO IDEA what to do with them if I did, bathtub maybe? LOL.
it was 115 here yesterday....I am worried about my chicks and chickens not to mention my other outdoor pond is nearly dry...I have said to hades with my water and electric bills....I have a water sprinkler that from 11-4 goes in the yard for the animals....they stand in it or just come in and get a drink it does cool the air around it and far I havent lost a chicken but the eggs have slowed way down....I am sending out ice to put in the water and lots of cold veggie scraps....frozen peas and such...all my dogs have been brought in...its loud but we have had over 30 days of above 100 degree weather its just to hot to keep them out side during the day....thank god I have no carpets....
nope they will be just fine
mamma hen will take good care of her chicks and all willl be well! i have a momma hen sitting on eggs and it has gottin to be 104... but the eggs appear alive! dont worry!

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