New Chooks!


8 Years
Mar 15, 2011
I will take pictures later, but here's my story. So we started out with 6 chicks. They grew up together and got along just fine. But 3 of them turned out to be roosters. So I had one NH, 3 Production Red and 2 silkies, 2 of the Reds were roosters and one of the silkies was too. So last night we took them to a local farm, and we traded them for 2 black polish, 1 NH and 1 that is a buff color. Now, the chickens that we got were about the same age as the 3 that we already have, give or take a couple weeks, but the the new NH and the buff one are both used to free ranging. So this morning it was a sight to see, me trying to get those 2 back in the coop. But sadly the new NH wants to be top chick, so shes pecking all the others. So then my old NH (who was the top chick till today) picks on everyone else so they know she's second top chick. So the other 5 get picked on a bit. I'll go take some pics now!

Adding new chickens is always upsetting, and I think truly, that it upsets us more than it upsets the chickens. There was alot of that going on with my flock this year......Integrating newer chickens with the older ones....and my advice is, just put the new ones in, and DON'T WATCH! Of course, take a peek now and then, to make sure everybody's eating, drinking, and ok. They will iron things out in a couple of days to a week. They really will.
I think they've sorted out their differences pretty well by now, but I did see blood in one of their poops. It worries me. I have read the poop chart, and all the poop before and after this one from them was fine, but the one. (this is normal, from the stress right?) And here are the pics I promised

The Twins (black Polish) (they don't have names yet)


Sunshine (BO) and Rusty (NH)

One of the Twins

Chrissy!!!! (original NH)

Moe!!!! (silkie)

Georgia!!!! (PR)

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