New Coop, run, and pens put together

The only paint sprayer I have is probably a 30 year old pneumatic Binks gun. I don't think it would work. I do however have a 12 year old son who needs to learn how to paint. I had to paint the house when I was his age this is just a chicken coop.
I have a total of 27 hens and 2 roosters at the moment. I think this should be sufficient for them. 14 of my hens are not old enough to lay yet, should be in another month.
Looking at the price of coops on the internet I think I might build some of these and sell them. I have about $300 in the first coop and 6x6 pen attached to it. The second coop and chicken run I have about $450 into it. Base on what I seen on the internet I should be able to sale these at least $1,000. I would build some if there was a demand.
That is a fine chicken house. WTG.
Very nice set up, but the chicken wire will not keep predators out. It is only designed to keep chickens in. Dogs, coons, coyotes, possums can all get through chicken wire. I always use 1x2 welded wire on my run. I have also put hardware cloth around the bottom about 2.5 or 3 feet tall. Coons will grab chickens through the wire and pull their heads through and eat them alive! Not a pretty site to find in the morning...
My dogs do a good job keeping stray critters out of the yard except for the squirrels. One of them occasionally catches a squirrel and digs a gopher out of the ground. The digging dog has also let me know when a big snake is around. I was watching the chickens out of the pen a week ago and one of them caught a snake about 12 inches long and all the chickens were chasing it and they were snatching it back and forth. It was quite entertaining.

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