New coop


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 13, 2011
When i put my hens an 2 rooster in my old convertered dog pen they would go into there large cardbord box every nght and would i shut the door on yjr box. I have built them a real coop with nesting boxes and they go in and out of all day.
But at night they roost on the the roast thet I have in in the pen. Do i need to put them in the coop by food or treats and shutting the door or will they get there on there on as the temps go down?
Usually they figure it out, but you can eithe entice them up the ramp with treats, or just put them in once or twice. The first night I had mine in thier run and coop. I put one up at the top of the ramp, the rest follwed her. After that, they didn't need any further guidance, they figured it out for themselves.
Could be because it's new. Or it could be because it's hot inside; does it have ample ventilation?? Stick a thermometer inside and see if it's hotter inside than out (by more than just a degree or two). If you have ample ventilation (so it's not stifling inside), just stick them inside each evening a few minutes after dark, when it's easy to pick them up. They will most likely get the idea after a week of doing so.
They go in and out of it all day. I have even gotten my first 2 eggs from the nesting boxes in it this week.
I added a light that comes on before dark yesterday and they still didn't go in yesterday orto night. I did use a yellow bug light, may change that out for white light to see if that makes a difference.
Thanks for any help. I know i can pick them up and put them in but would hope to get them in on there own.

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