New deadly mutated equine virus!! Please Read

our farm is currently on lockdown because of this virus. we are in idaho . kinda scarey, and i have already made a few people mad for not allowing them on our farm. it scares me! hoping they get something figured out soon!
This is such a hot news topic here in Utah.

From what they are saying just keep your horses home and practice good hygiene like we do with our feathered babies.

It isn't spread through mosquitoes like West Nile.

So sorry for the worry you horse owners are going through.

Be safe.
Had this same thing happen a few years back here on the east coast... No horses allowed in or out of states, barns on lockdown, many shows cancelled... It came and went, then we never heard another word about it. I'm sure stuff like this happens more than we realize. Does make me glad I don't show anymore though.
Dosen't this virus usually happen during the colder months. That is why you ususally see it, we had it in mD about 2 years ago. Came up from FL from some racehorses shipping in.

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