New Digs - New Pecking Order?


Mar 31, 2018
Upstate, NY
We FINALLY got the girls their upgrade today - a 10x10x6 from a prefab coop. They were getting real cramped!

Anyway, upon moving them all into the new enclosure, they seem to be scrapping a bit more than usual. I'm not sure if I should be concerned, or if it's normal for chickens to pick up a new pecking order or re-establish it when they're in a new location.

I also imagine it's possible the prefab was just so small they didn't really have proper space to spar/hen peck.

I'm not sure if it matters but they're about 5-8 weeks old, and we have one suspected rooster to 9 probable hens. The hens are the ones chest bumping/leaping at one another.
All chciks fight,makes Usually worse than females.Their probably just excited to have more space.Everytime I let mine out thrive cooo or run they go flying around with excitement,a ton of fights happen.Our two suspect males fight the most and the hardest.
A bit young for a real pecking order.....but a new place can make them nervous, but more likely they are just feeling their oats with all that room to romp around in. It's normal for chicks to spar.

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