New Geese :)


9 Years
May 5, 2010

I posted a craigslist ad wanting a friend for Archie the Toulouse Goose and a super nice guy who lived near me had 4!!!!!! 2 males, 1 female and an almost fullgrown juvenile. . He wanted to get rid of all of them and gave me a really fair price. All are Toulouses and are not vicious or mean. They are super healthy looking but are in confinement for the next few weeks just to make sure. I am SOOOOOOOO HAPPY right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Archie can hear them and really wants to check them out. How long do I have to wait before Archie can meet them? I'll post pics as soon as I can.
The good news is that you don't have to quarantine geese the way you need to do with chickens and turkeys. I'm not sure about ducks.

You ought to "quarantine" them for social reasons, so they can get to know each other without fighting too much.

The only possible thing they might have is parasites, so a goose dose of a basic wormer should do the trick, unless you want to get a sample and take it to the vet for a test. That usually is not expensive.

Looking forward to the pics!
archie will get his clock cleaned if you just put him in with the other four. Bring one goose to Archie and let them fight if needed.
after things have calmed bring a second goose to the two and make sure the 2 new don't gang up on archie some fighting is normal 2 on 1 is bad same with the 3rd and 4th new goose. Hate to say it but Archie may never fit in with the new flock or he may become the boss! there is just no way to tell in advance, if there was I would start up a goose dating service!
okok going out to take pics, lol

Archie is a girl so I'm hoping that she will just fit right in with them. Archie is bigger than the others (I think). BRB



This is all of them together- Archie is the biggest with the orangest bill and feet. Everyone seems to be just following her around and she is showing them EVERYTHING, lol They don't like the cat but they completely ignore the chickens and chicks.

Archie is SO SO SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!

Oh, and which ones are the boys and which are the girls? Archie I know is a girl cuz of the whole egg laying thing but I'm clueless on the others. Should be a total of 2 males 2 females and not sure about the youngster (lightest bill).
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Everyone is settling in and all are still taking their cues from Archie who is now the matriarch of her own little gaggle of geese. I love that term- saying gaggle of geese makes me want to giggle

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