New Hampshire Breed Thread

Good morn!

Looking for someone willing to send me some photos of:

- New Hampshire adult(s); either gender will do! Side profile standing would be awesome if you are able.
- New Hampshire chick(s), day olds if possible.

Looking for a way to compare how very nice and chestnut red the feathers are on this breed!

Want to post them to another BYC breed thread to show the New Hampshire's beautiful feather colours so asking your permission to "cross post" these photos. :D

Please PM and I will send you my e-mail address.

Thank you most kindly.

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada



This cockerel is about 5-7 mos old.

This is a 6 month old cockerel from a couple years ago. His color is a little off. You can use this picture, if you mention that.

Chestnut Red in NHs is debated. I go buy the written standard description. Another debatable color in NHs is golden bay. The best description (golden bay) that I found for it in poultry is in the old Wyandotte Standard and Breed Book.

A good illustration for NH color was the old Schilling print. It was made to illustrate and standardize proper NH type and color. We kind of lost our way along the way, but the written description in the Standard is a good standard. The Standard picture was painted according to personal preference rather than the artist's interpretation or in favor of historical accuracy.

The shades of color for a good NH have always been debated, and I guess that they always will be.
Thank you for posting these photos.

I have the 1998 APA SOP of the 1932 black & white NH work by Schilling. He often took photos and air brushed the birds into perfection. I love his work BUT a B&W drawing does nothing to lend you any hint as to what COLOURs are being suggested by the artist and his interpretation of the SOP.

The 2010 APA SOP shows basically what I would call a "rich orange" overall colouration. I probably have worded that badly.

We are told to go by the "words" in the SOPs and I see along with black:

In your males: deep chestnut red, golden bay, reddish bay, medium red, & medium chestnut red.

In your females: medium chestnut red, & medium red.

I do not want to start up a debate but would like to find a "medium" ground area for an acceptable representation of the colour for the breed, as in a moderate expectation of the desired colourations.

I have asked & received permission from a person with NH's on BYC that has photos of clear, side views of some level standing birds to use as "general" examples.

I would like to find a few more photos of:

- Day old chicks, a group would be great to show if any variance in the chicks' down is exhibited.
- Adult female showing side standing level view with good expression of the SOP mentioned "lower neck feathers distinctly tipped with black." I find this characteristic FASCINATING and amazingly beautiful--like a lovely necklace!

I have no bias on this breed as I do not KNOW much about it past it displays a similar outward feather colour found in one of my own breed's unrecognized varieties that do not breed true. The chick down and undercolour of the adults holds some of the answers as to why your breed replicates true and the variety I have, does not. The one I am speaking of is eb/eWh in the e-series, so impure in this and six other mutations--which therefore then makes it pretty much a terminal cross.

I thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Kind regards,

You can find the Shilling color prints online. That should be the NH standard and best articulates the written standard that we have.

Name is SChilling, Arthur O. Schilling, and sadly, he has passed on. No idea if copyright laws are enforceable on his works or and not sure who to contact to ask for permission?

I did a quick search for personal observations but came up with nothing for Schilling and New Hampshires--sigh.

This has been very educational. Thank you for your assistance!

I just came in the house from watching my Jwhip NHs. They are beautiful. Getting real close to laying. I am seriously thinking about showing some of the girls. I think they are that good.

Hi Har,

I just got 11 of Jwips Nh's and know nothing about NH's. I think they were accepted into the SOP in 1935? and that they are bred directly from the RIR. Jwhip threw them in with my BR order, so it was kinda a last minute thing. They are awesome chicks and I am very grateful he did that and what a surprise. I have been all over the internet trying to find out about this breed. I am a BR lady, so this breed is totally new to me.

What do you like, what don't you like ( if anything ) how are they as flock mates? How are the cockerel's, the Jr's? How is egg laying and fertility. Do they breed true? Anything you can tell me would be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Hi Har,

I just got 11 of Jwips Nh's and know nothing about NH's. I think they were accepted into the SOP in 1935? and that they are bred directly from the RIR. Jwhip threw them in with my BR order, so it was kinda a last minute thing. They are awesome chicks and I am very grateful he did that and what a surprise. I have been all over the internet trying to find out about this breed. I am a BR lady, so this breed is totally new to me.

What do you like, what don't you like ( if anything ) how are they as flock mates? How are the cockerel's, the Jr's? How is egg laying and fertility. Do they breed true? Anything you can tell me would be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance
I have his F1 cross of the New Hampshires....excellent layers, great fertility, docile birds, fast feathering and growing....they are not as uniform quite yet since he crossed 2 strains...german male over Good Shepherd females...F2's which is what you likely have may be more consistent in color and type. You will enjoy this fabulous american breed (-;
Hi Mithous,

Sorry I did not get back to,you on this. I agree with cbnovick, we have the same line. I just love them good eye candy grazing on the lush Spring grass. Did you find the thread German New Hampshires on BYC? There is a lot of information on there also.


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