New Hampshire Breed Thread

New Hampshires are an off shoot of Rhode Islands. bred more for meat than eggs. i got my New Hampshire by accident. he wandered into my yard and i put him with my flock. i personally don't the stereotypical chickens. i prefer the unusual ones, minus Turkens. really don't like those.
Hello! Anyone have any New Hampshire reds around northeast Oklahoma?! I'm looking for a few of them if anyone knows of some or has idea where I might could find some! Thanks!
Can someone (or as many people as possible actually) post their pics of NH Rd eggs? I'm trying to determine which eggs are from my NH Reds out of my mixed flock of NH Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Speckled Sussex and Easter Eggers (I know which ones are theirs.)
New Hampshires (called New Hampshire Reds in England) are and always have been my favorite breed. They are beautiful, long lived, lay lots of large eggs, and can be very human friendly. I had one named Gladys, who acted like a dog. She could have been two fields away and when you called her by her name, she came running to hang out with me or be held. Sadly, she was taken by a fox and that was the end of the free ranging days for my chickens. New Hampshires are not too popular anymore, in these days of factory farming, and really good ones are hard to find. The ones that I have had and seen from commercial hatcheries are way undersized and, especially the roosters, are somewhat off in color. I still love them and will always have them.

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