New Hampshire Breed Thread

I'm guessing from your post, he isn't show quality....

Sorry about that Shadowhills.
It was meant to say, I would say that he isn't Show Quality..

I'm guessing from your post, he isn't show quality....

Sorry about that Shadowhills.
It was meant to say, I would say that he isn't Show Quality..


Oh no problem! Just got confused for a moment
Thanks for the help!
Sorry about that Shadowhills.
It was meant to say, I would say that he isn't Show Quality..


Oh no problem! Just got confused for a moment
Thanks for the help!

Any time..

Thanks for the info on "Shady Lane Poultry" . That's bad about the Flooding . And i'm thinking all of their birds were bred around Quality (show type also) .
Shady Lane Poultry doesnt have many breeds anymore they lost most of their stock in a flood a couple years ago i belive they are down to White Leghorns, RIR, and Buckeyes in LF.
Yeah, this roo is some sorta crop out of a sex link or somethings crossed up in the mix somewhere.
New Hampshires do not have any white anywhere on them they should look like a Rhode Island Red just a lot lighter red in color(chestnut red is their color description) matter of fact have only seen just a couple on here that look like New Hampshires most look to be production type reds,

Here's a link to see what color New hampshires are supposed to look like:

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And here is my new hampshire red roo. He is getting very old now and is actually blind in one eye. He is very special to me andd is a sweat heart, he use to be the head of the flock and because of his horrible fight when he got his eye poked out, feathers torn off all over, and part of his comb missing he has gone to the very bottom and cant mate with the hens anymore because of his blindness. Got any ideas on how to help him? He use to be a GORGEOUS rooster, very nice and still is besides his missing eye and comb. I wish i could have been there to stop the fight so maybe this guy would have had a second chance and not get his eye poked out
Sorry i am going on and on about him but i really feel bad about what happened a long time ago.
Oh hes amazing! Alot of times when there older its tough for them. Maybe a seperate coop for him and a low rank hen. Or if you coop is heated i would just leave him in the coop all day. Pretty picture and thanks for participating so much! Hes lovely.
Gorgeous rooster! Well, I posted here on page oooh one about my NHR girls, and never had pics. Well, here's some pics I fionally got. They are both 7 months old - first is Mahogany, and the second is Moha, whom I sometimes feel is heavier than our Brahma girls! She's very calm, sweet, and lays the most pink eggs I have ever known! Both are hatchery girls, and I don't know what New Hampshires are supposed to look like, but I do love Moha's appearance.



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