New Hampshire Red thread!!!!!!!!!

I have one NHR coming in June from My Pet Chicken... and after looking over the disposition, I'm wondering if maybe I shouldn't cancel my order for that particular breed. I've read they are bred from RIR, which have a reputation for being rather mean and aggressive.

What are your experiences with their temperaments and how do they lay?
They are not aggressive birds,but also are not birds who just back down,their competitive,and very docile.My rooster is a great rooster,and the hens are very great too.They are great layers,and mothers (I have never had any broody NH's,but have watched documentaries that talk about good NH mothers)

My pullet lays everyday.Same for the older hen (Accept for big foot,she's old and has a bad MG case she has had for over maybe 2 years.)I'm pretty for sure my new chicks may have been miss placed and our NH,positive and they are great and pretty docile.
Hi everyone,
I have a question about sexing New Hampshires, as I am raising 2 chicks of this kind for the 1st time along with 2 Marans. They were born end of march, therefore are now around 9 weeks old. I have read a lot about sexing chicks, looking at comb, wattles and tail, but still find it difficult to put that into practice when there are only 2 animals. So here are the pictures and I would be thankful for any advice!

Here is chick #1 in the foreground, he has had red comb and wattles for at least a couple weeks but they are still small.

Here is chick #2, although its face has recently become red, the comb is not red:

Here's a full view of chick #1, you can see the red comb and wattles, its tail feathers look pointy on the side and round on the top. Chick #2's tail looks similar. The tails of my 2 Marans look different and I'm pretty sure those are pullets as they have no red comb or wattles.

So what do you think? Pullet or cockerel? I was thinking 1 cockerel and 1 pullet but I'm not sure anymore...
Hi all! New here and new to raising chickens. I have 6 NH. They are about 6 weeks old now and I love them! I have BSL also same age. I can't believe how fast they grew!
Thought I'd share a pic of my NewHampshire rooster sitting on eggs.

This cracks me up. Some of those boys are so chivalrous and show the new girls where to go and lay. They almost know when they need to find a spot. So concerned and caring. My NH rooster passed away this morning. These photos made me smile.

Here's my boy resting. Now resting in peace.


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