New Hatched Silkie Laying on Back


In the Brooder
Nov 5, 2020
Hello! I’m a new chicken mom, and I we had two successful hatches. Alas, the third had a dried membrane and ended up being somewhat of an assisted hatch (it pushed itself out at the end but we had to wet the membrane). It’s been 2 hours since it’s out but it cannot stay on its back. I’m too afraid to re-open the incubator because frankly it has been a couple of times and I worry if I do it any more that the tiny thing will get chilled. Is it ok to leave it as is, on its side, until it dries and I can take it out of the incubator?

Thank you for any assistance.
You can leave it there in the incubator. It will be fine there if it’s going to be OK. They are quite exhausted after hatching and sometimes can lay on their backs or on their sides for quite some time. Just keep an eye on it. If you want you can post a photo. Don’t open the incubator until it’s completely fluffed up and dry.😊
@LadiesAndJane @SerrarGett Thank you guys!! So sweet of you to welcome me here, I’ve always dreamed of having my own chicks and the process as a whole has been unlike any other... I haven’t slept in a week!

And okay perfect... I really hope it survives and can join its siblings in the brooder. It was a rough hatch, the membrane had totally dried up but thankfully with minor help, it was able to push itself out. Sorry for the unclear photo, but here is the little baby.


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Hard to tell in the photo. Just keep an eye on the little one. You can leave it in the incubator, get some rest and check in the morning. It won’t hurt for the chick to be left in there overnight some people leave them in the incubator for a couple of days even while the rest of the eggs hatch.😊
Please keep us updated!
Recommend also posting about yourself in the new member thread. You will get an official welcome from many members there as well as tips and advice about how to use the forum.😊
@LadiesAndJane Ok thank you so much! I so so appreciate the advice and assistance 😭🙏 I haven’t slept properly in four days, they’re so just so fragile and tiny, I keep waking up to make sure they’re okay. And I absolutely will! I’ll also make sure to post in the new member thread. So excited to embark on this new journey 🐣 !!
@LadiesAndJane Ok thank you so much! I so so appreciate the advice and assistance 😭🙏 I haven’t slept properly in four days, they’re so just so fragile and tiny, I keep waking up to make sure they’re okay. And I absolutely will! I’ll also make sure to post in the new member thread. So excited to embark on this new journey 🐣 !!
I know how you feel! Whenever I have chicks hatching I don’t sleep for several days either and I’m constantly checking on the progress. I think you’ll find many members feel the same way about their chickens!🥰
I know how you feel! Whenever I have chicks hatching I don’t sleep for several days either and I’m constantly checking on the progress. I think you’ll find many members feel the same way about their chickens!🥰
Oh my friends think I’m nuts!! So glad I can find some like-minded chicki-lovers here ☺️🌸 I’m gonna get some snoozitude and hopefully wake up to some good news. Fingers crossed the lil baby makes it!

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