New Jersey

In case anyone is interested, I just posted a listing under BST-Everything Else for two of my goats. One is a year old doe and the other is a 10 week old wether. Check out the listing and let me know if you may be interested.

Where has everyone been????? I thought i was the only one on a week hiatus. So my polish chick is 4 wks old and it's head feathers are hysterical. The feathers are sticking up all over the top of it's head and the majority of them are still in the sheath with really fuzzy tops. so cute!

Any idea what I should be looking for on her or my RIR as far as clues on whether they're boys or girls? They are both 4 wks old.
It's still a bit early, but you can look for comb developement and wattle developement. The boys will be more advanced on both. The combs will be a darker color and the legs of the males may be a bit thicker. It's hard to tell if you don't have others to compare, and sometimes there may be early maturing females or late maturing males. Post some pictures so we can take a look.
I just sold 20 female chicks and 17 males that were 5 and 6 weeks old (two different hatches) and I was able to tell easily, so you may want to wait a couple more weeks before you name them!
I'm still here. It never slow in my house. I now have TWO egg layers. Woo hoo. And Sunday was the big egg breakfast. They all enjoyed, even the dog. My little leghorns are six weeks now and have doubled in size. One has little red wattles and I'm hoping she's just eager to get laying, lol.
How does the comb look on the one with wattles? The females will also develop wattles, but not as quickly and they won't be as large. I was able to tell the sexes on the ones I sold from that hatch. Post more pics when you get a chance.
It's still a bit early, but you can look for comb developement and wattle developement. The boys will be more advanced on both. The combs will be a darker color and the legs of the males may be a bit thicker. It's hard to tell if you don't have others to compare, and sometimes there may be early maturing females or late maturing males. Post some pictures so we can take a look.
I just sold 20 female chicks and 17 males that were 5 and 6 weeks old (two different hatches) and I was able to tell easily, so you may want to wait a couple more weeks before you name them!
Thanks a ton Sunnychooks! I'll post pics in about two wks and hopefully you can give me your opinion.
Awesome egg news njchixs! Which one was the second egg layer? I love that you shared with Mac. I always give a bite of celebratory food to our dogs. They get so excited.
How does the comb look on the one with wattles? The females will also develop wattles, but not as quickly and they won't be as large. I was able to tell the sexes on the ones I sold from that hatch. Post more pics when you get a chance.

I'll post some pics tomorrow. Combs are pretty close. Still pale but the one is developing wattles. Nothing I'm too worried about. At six weeks + they still look underdeveloped to be cockerels. I thinking Lucy & Ethel since they are hysterical the way they run around and chirp so loud.
Awesome egg news njchixs! Which one was the second egg layer? I love that you shared with Mac. I always give a bite of celebratory food to our dogs. They get so excited. 

Pickle, the red sex-link, was the second layer. Friday she was very interested in the nesting boxes, and I thought she would lay late in the day or Saturday. Sat morning I got the usual 8 AM egg, then around 10 I hear the egg song. Look in and see cookie hop out and voila, another egg. Pickle has laid three days in a row now. I have two more giving the boxes a look-see, so hopefully soon but they don't look ready.

Try and post some pics next week so we can take a shot at sexing yours.
What do you think? The one on the left is a little more developed. This is a closer shot of questionable one This one still looks like pullet

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