New Jersey

Called the dept of ag. NJ today. the lady said the cartons must have your name and be sold at 45 degrees. You can't just put them on a table. No grading or size needed. That's just for large dealers. You can't use any cartons that have a brand name on the (eggland, shoprite etc.) I called my town and they said I could put out a sign as long as neighbors don't complain.
This afternoon i was cleaning the coop in the pouring rain and wind. I use a concave garbage can lid to carry the shavings from the garage to the coop. Do you see where this is going? Anyway, i was drenched at this point, literally drenched. i got to the coop and put the lid mounded with shavings down in front of me when a gust of wind came and blew all of the shavings out of the lid. Naturally they all stuck to me since i was all wet. They were all over my face, coat, legs, and completely stuck in my hair. I looked like i had been tar and feathered. It was pretty funny :)
Wet my pants laughing
Lol that must have been funny, sorry. Reminds me of when I put the eggs in my pocket one night when I went and locked the girls up. You know where this is going. Yep, bent over to grab one as she tries to squeeze out and, BAM, scrambled eggs in my pocket.

Hello chicken friends!!
Here are my new little babies from Bruce and Nicole. We literally just put our big girls outside in their new coop and the very next day we have babies in the basement under heat lamps again. I can't say y'all didn't warn me that this was addictive though

The baby barred rock has been getting poop stuck to her behind and the area around her vent is all swollen
. Any suggestions on how to care for this? Bruce said use a warm washcloth to remove the poop but it seems to keep happening.

Ooooo and Mary, the automatic door you suggested is amazing!!! We love it!!!

Oh, ma - you got the bug all right! Wait until you come up to our show!

Isn't that door the greatest thing EVER??

Just watch that baby. Bruce is right - if you just pull, you could pull out feathers, and irritate the skin even more. If she were bigger, I might have a suggestion for her diet, but loosening their stools this young could be as bad as hard poops. When I've had this with mine it cleared up in a day or two. How long has it been going on?

How's Marsie like her new roommates?
Oh, ma - you got the bug all right! Wait until you come up to our show!

Isn't that door the greatest thing EVER??

Just watch that baby. Bruce is right - if you just pull, you could pull out feathers, and irritate the skin even more. If she were bigger, I might have a suggestion for her diet, but loosening their stools this young could be as bad as hard poops. When I've had this with mine it cleared up in a day or two. How long has it been going on?

How's Marsie like her new roommates?
LilNugget they are so cute. Don't you just love it? I'm glad everyone is doing so well.

Like Mame said be careful when cleaning. I was king to suggest a little bit of Vaseline on the to keep anything more from sticking but not if she is red and irritated. We don't want pecking. Just keep washing it and hopefully it will resolve. Mine also cleared up after a day or two. Is it eating good and growing the same rate as the others?

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