New Jersey

Not sure if anyone is interested but one of my 7 week old bantam frizzle cochin chicks started to crow. He began yesterday and I thought it was a fluke but today as soon as I let them in their run he ran out and promptly crowed 3 times. Sounds like a squeaky toy crow but a crow it was! I can't keep roosters so he will need to go back to the farm where I got him. If anyone is interested in him (I think he is gorgeous
) I'd be happy to rehome him to you. I live in Hunterdon County.

He is the white frizzle.
Hi there! I'm in Tewksbury, NJ in Hunterdon County and am in search of a few fertilized eggs.
I have a broody Ameraucana and a small flock of just 2 hens that I'm looking to expand! Is there anyone in my area that is willing to help me out?
Stephanie Ann - I also live in Tewksbury. Sorry that I can't help you out with fertilized eggs. My big girls are just that girls - no roosters. I just found out that one of my frizzles is a boy and it looks like one of my silkies may be a boy as well. I'll need to rehome them.

If you can't find eggs for your broody to hatch and you need to break her, I just had good results breaking my broody Ameraucana by cooling her underside in water. After a few days of cool water dips and putting baggies of ice cubes under her she was back to herself. It also worked on my bantam mix. They are the only two out of my 12 big girls to go broody.
I am in Monmouth Cty. If you want to take a drive. I can give you some EE (green egg), or Barred Rock/white Plymouth Rock cross (brown eggs) or sell you some crested cream legbar fertile eggs $25/doz (blue eggs).
Feathers n fur: Thanks for the tips. I'm just going to let her do her thing though. She went broody once before and I sort of find her antics entertaining. I love the indignant squawks she lets out once in a while.
Do you happen to know if there is a Tewksbury ordinance against having roosters on a certain size property?

KristineY: I might take you up on that if I can't fine anything closer. Thank you!
Stephanie Ann - No, there are no ordinances against having roosters here in Tewksbury. My husband likes his sleep and since the coop is close to the house, our previous rooster woke him up at all hours through the night so I cannot keep them. I am also trying to be a good neighbor and not disturb the peace. If they didn't crow constantly and kept it to 6am - 10pm I'd keep them but alas - they crow at will
Also, Buttercup, a former rooster of mine, was pretty evil when anyone entered the run/coop. I had to fend him off a number of times. If bantams didn't crow as loud as the large fowl I would keep him but I've heard they are just as loud.
Stephanie Ann - No, there are no ordinances against having roosters here in Tewksbury. My husband likes his sleep and since the coop is close to the house, our previous rooster woke him up at all hours through the night so I cannot keep them. I am also trying to be a good neighbor and not disturb the peace. If they didn't crow constantly and kept it to 6am - 10pm I'd keep them but alas - they crow at will
Also, Buttercup, a former rooster of mine, was pretty evil when anyone entered the run/coop. I had to fend him off a number of times. If bantams didn't crow as loud as the large fowl I would keep him but I've heard they are just as loud.

I have two bantam Faverolles cocks, and they have a deeper crow. Certainly not as loud as a LF. I did have a small Sebright mix once, that had a higher-pitched crow - his voice carried much farther. The girls really like having a "man" in the house, so I will always try to have one. (I'm technically allowed to have roosters, but I'm trying to be a good neighbor, as well - our yards are fairly close together.
Hi, i am in Belford nj and we are thinking About chickens. Is there a good place to find a coop or look at coops. And is there a place to look at chickens. Could use any advice you may have. Thanks.
Agway in Englishtown sells Amish made coops. We went there to look and when my husband saw the price ($1,000 and up) he decided to build our own. He got to build two more after that! Jersey Chickens in Jackson also sells hand made coops. (Website is Summer is his busy season though so I'm not sure how fast he could turn one around. If you're looking for novelty, check out wooden-wonders hobbit hole coops in Maine (they deliver to NJ) see pic below. I have one that I won (Chicken Whisperer gives coops away near monthly on his Facebook Page and in his magazine. Lisa Steele of Fresh Eggs Daily is also about to launch a coop contest (I'm guessing a coop from the Green Chicken Coop Company since she is demo'ing one of theirs now.

My advice is to start with a coop that is larger than you believe you will need. (3 sq ft per bird or so) because you'll invariably want more birds than you start with! (it's called "chicken math" lol) I wish someone had told me that in the beginning!


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