New Jersey

How can you not love them? They're all so quirky and funny. Sorry about your bird. It's very hard to take any animal to be put down, even if it is the humane thing.
Thank you all for your thoughts and Chickerdoodle, thank you for your advice. It was a rough few days. And I think mame1616 is correct - it is their very quirky qualities that draw us into loving those silly birds. I just didn't expect to love them that much!

Thank you all for your thoughts and Chickerdoodle, thank you for your advice. It was a rough few days. And I think mame1616 is correct - it is their very quirky qualities that draw us into loving those silly birds. I just didn't expect to love them that much!


I've always said if anyone had told me I would love these animals as much as I do before I got them, I would have thought they were crazy! I feel like I've been privileged to enter a secret world, and it makes me want to spread the joy! I really feel sorry for people who don't have chickens!
I have a question. My Buff Orpington - Pretty Girl - has just started losing feathers from her neck. The feathers are not missing from her neck but rather look broken off or snapped off. Her feathers are around the coop. I have 12 hens and one roo. I know he bites their necks but none of the other hens are missing feathers. I have noticed for about a week that she was the last one out of the coop. Every morning Fernando, my roo, runs out of the coop and chase all the hens - its chaos for about 5-10 minutes. Once he settles down they all eat. That is when Pretty Girl will come out. I thought she was avoiding Fernando, and that may be the case. Is there anything else this may be? All 13 get along and no one is picking on her, except Fernando. Any advice would be much appreciated.
I wish I could help, I am so new to chicken rearing, and I only have three. That sounds so sad for her though. I hope someone with experience on this site can help you. I just bet she is a beautiful girl Good luck
I have a question. My Buff Orpington - Pretty Girl - has just started losing feathers from her neck. The feathers are not missing from her neck but rather look broken off or snapped off. Her feathers are around the coop. I have 12 hens and one roo. I know he bites their necks but none of the other hens are missing feathers. I have noticed for about a week that she was the last one out of the coop. Every morning Fernando, my roo, runs out of the coop and chase all the hens - its chaos for about 5-10 minutes. Once he settles down they all eat. That is when Pretty Girl will come out. I thought she was avoiding Fernando, and that may be the case. Is there anything else this may be? All 13 get along and no one is picking on her, except Fernando. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Hi Lorraine. I would just make sure all your feather kiddos have optimal nutrition. Lack thereof could could feather loss and replenishment will help with feather growth. Even if the problem is from harassment the great nutrition will help her. Great brand chicken food can be supplemented with nutrient rich water additiev like Avia Charge 2000 or equivalent (to a very light iced tea color, more seems to turn them off). a bit of fresh fruits and veggies...., mealworms...

You might also put a couple of drops of Bach Flower homeopathic Rescue Remedy in their water to help deal with stress.


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