New Jersey

Welcome from Central NJ! I am also in Ocean County.
Thanks for such a warm welcome!

I have five hens. One Polish, one Silkie bantam, a Naked Neck bantam, and two Easter Egger bantams. How about you?

Wow! I have all larger hens, my best friend has bantams though and they're adorable! I have two jersey giant's, two jersey red rocks, two australorps, a silver laced Wyandotte, two ameraucanas, two speckled Sussex, a buff Orpington, and a barred rock! I also have three Peking ducks and six guineas
we have quite a few birds!
Thanks for such a warm welcome!

Wow! I have all larger hens, my best friend has bantams though and they're adorable! I have two jersey giant's, two jersey red rocks, two australorps, a silver laced Wyandotte, two ameraucanas, two speckled Sussex, a buff Orpington, and a barred rock! I also have three Peking ducks and six guineas
we have quite a few birds!

Nice mix! I love bantams! You should consider getting a few. There are some really pretty ones and they have fun personalities. You do have to be more cautious with predators though. I used to have a Buff Orpington and she was such a fun bird! You have a great variety of poultry. I'm a bit jealous!
Hope you enjoy your time here on BYC.
Is anyone interested in some gold laced polish cockerels? They were supposed to be tolbunts, but they have very little white at this point. I have 2 frizzled and 2 smooth......hatched may 26th

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