New Jersey

First, decide why you want chickens. Meat? Eggs? Both? Pets only? Exhibition? Eye-candy? That answer will determine the breeds you should be looking at. Also, how much protection can you provide from the weather - winter and summer? That will narrow down the list some more. How much coop/run space is alloted? Some breeds do better in confinement than others, or need less space. Also, remember certain breeds, like Jersey Giants and Brahmas, require a great deal more space than, say, Ameraucanas or Leghorns.

The chicken breed search tool here on BYC can help identify some breeds for you. Also, be sure to check out, and Storey's Guide to Poultry.

I applaud you for not running out and buying birds on a whim - too many people do. No one ever says, I wish I hadn't taken the time to do my research. Look for the breeds that really work with your situation, and speak to you visually. I, personally, have an exhibition/ eye candy flock, but I've done my share of whim purchasing, and have usually regretted it. Enjoy the search!

PS - Where is your intro?
First, decide why you want chickens. Meat? Eggs? Both? Pets only? Exhibition? Eye-candy? That answer will determine the breeds you should be looking at. Also, how much protection can you provide from the weather - winter and summer? That will narrow down the list some more. How much coop/run space is alloted? Some breeds do better in confinement than others, or need less space. Also, remember certain breeds, like Jersey Giants and Brahmas, require a great deal more space than, say, Ameraucanas or Leghorns.

The chicken breed search tool here on BYC can help identify some breeds for you. Also, be sure to check out, and Storey's Guide to Poultry.

I applaud you for not running out and buying birds on a whim - too many people do. No one ever says, I wish I hadn't taken the time to do my research. Look for the breeds that really work with your situation, and speak to you visually. I, personally, have an exhibition/ eye candy flock, but I've done my share of whim purchasing, and have usually regretted it. Enjoy the search!

PS - Where is your intro?

Thanks tons for the quick reply!

Here was my intro - Not sure if this link will work or not; I also posted pics of my coop / yard set-up. That is under the Coop Help/Building topic.

Thanks also so much for the links - I will check them out. I have tried a breed tool selector somewhere else and will try the BYC one. We are getting chickens - just 2 for a couple reason: compost, eggs and bug patrol. Now the real reason? Cause my DH said I could
I really only want 1 chicken, but I know I cannot do that. But 2 is my max because we have very limited room and now I'm concerned about them destroying my yard. We have a privacy fence and I wanted to free range - not hearing the downside to free ranging. Check out my coop post & you will see how small our yard really is. And if you look at my coop - it is very small 6'l x 5'h x 4'w. I will not have any electric to the coop so there will be tons of snuggling to be had during the winter. In terms of summer and shade, I can make that work too. DH owns a hardscape/landscape business so I have the corner market on that.

My perfect bird(s) will be loving and friendly, great layer and OK confined and part-time free range. Of course I would love to have lots of beautiful feathers, colors and silkie boots, but our priorities are bug control & eggs and they MUST be friendly. I was borderline about a guinea since 90% of their diet is bugs, but I have since talked myself out of them.

I have to be honest, I am totally sold on getting day old chicks. My toddler goes bonkers when he sees the lil guys in the TSC or Farm-Rite. However, correct me if I am wrong, although I'm jumping ahead a bit....if I were to get my chicks say July 1st, that means, ballpark, they would be due to start laying late Fall/early winter? How's that gonna happen - will it? I would assume I wouldn't get my first egg until Spring. That'll make me sad. But, yes, I am not rushing out to mail order my first 2 chicks - or melting at the register of TSC and letting my son pick a chick. I will have these birds till the end and if I can pick out something that can contribute back to the household - sign me up!!

If I had the room for more, I know I would have more... I can see why this is a crazy addiction
I had six LF in a 4x6" coop. I don't know what kind of bugs you're trying to combat but, while they do eat bugs, I never really noticed our population dwindling all that much. I had better luck with natural sprays. Also, the only place I know that sells only two chicks is MyPetChicken. Everyone else sells at least 25 at a time. Even the agway near me says that they have to sell in increments of six, and that it's a state regulation.
Hey! Welcome to BYC. I checked out your intro. Beautiful family! I also drooled over your yard a bit! It's much more manicured than our farm. It makes me want to get outside and weed wack! lol
Thanks and thanks!

Oh geeze - fight the urge! It is too hot to get out and weed whack! Send the BF out there *lol* I have farm envy so we are even, right!? Although I'll pass on the lizards
That yard pic was pre baby to needless to say now it is littered with footballs, bigwheels and hot wheels cars hidden like Easter eggs.

Youe Etsy site is wonderful! The patterns you have very hip - I love everything!! Quilting is almost a lost art. Fantastic stuff!!
ocean county here(waretown) 7 hens and 8 ducks. actually looking to give away 2 young cayugas is anyone nearby is interested
I have an older lady in Shrewsbury who needs to get rid of three geese, all males, all older from what I understand. There is a Loutrec, a snow goose, and what she calls a white fluffy. I'm just trying to help her out, as she has to get rid of them now that her husband has passed and she needs to sell her house. Please PM me if you can help. Thanks!
Thank you! I can't take the credit, though. I put together that shop and all the descriptions - but my BF's mom is the master creator. She made all of the items. There are probably another 100 things for me to take photos of and put up. I'd like to get some of my own things on there soon, but there's only so much time in the day.
Just got 5 one-month old chickens yesterday. Not sure of breed, three are orangish, two blackish. It was sort of a rescue thing. Someone had to get rid of young chickens because wife of the house was allergic. Not what I had planned to do, but I guess anything's a start.
OK, I have to admit this - first I freaked because I was so excited to see someone who lived that close to me, and then I looked back through all of your posts and saw that I'd talked to you before.

So, now I'll just ask where you got them? Oh, and congrats!

But, you changed your BYC name right? I would have remembered the piper. (Scottish descent and relatives who are world class pipers, drummers, and dancers)
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