New Jersey

Yuk I hate the hot, sticky heat. My girls are outside so I hope there is a breeze at least. I will probably give them half a watermelon on Thursday to keep cool and maybe a spritz with the hose.
Does anyone else have to have a license for chickens? I just found out that I have to pay $5 a year, every year, for each bird that I own. That's $45 dollars a year, to keep my birds. What's the point of paying for birds anyways? Why should I give the town my money? It's not like they are paying for my pets. I have enough expenses without their stupid permit. Ugh. I HATE my town sometimes.
My chicks aren't outside yet, but for my rabbits,we bought powerful machinery fans from a friend and hooked them up to their hutches. We were going to do the same for the birds. For temporary use, we freeze tile samples you can buy from the store and place them in the cages. This works for a time, but will ware off. We usaually take animals inside in travel carriers for the day, but I don't know how this will be possible with chickens. At least they are hardier than rabbits. I better get brainstorming. I don't know about you guys, but our local temps are supposed to reach 90 degrees this week. Ugh.
Tile samples! What a great idea! big 1' x 1' tiles? how do you keep them clean after a day of use to put them back in the freezer? I think I'm going to have to get to Lowes at lunchtime today! thanks for the tip!

I took this week off. It's the week between school letting out and camp starting. I haven't given the heat much thought until you mentioned it. I didnbt have chickens last summer either. hhhhmmmmm...... my chickens are still in their temporary home in the make shift coop in the garage. Do you think keeping windows open and an oscillating fan should be enough? If the yard is shady, are they better inside or out?
I had off last week .... camp started yesterday! Although I wish it had been this week so I could be home and monitor the chickens progress. The 2 pullets I've got seem to handle the heat worse than the roo I've still got. I could probably do a fan .... but I'll have to run an extension cord to the coop - don't think it's going to please hubby too much tho :(

I wish I could let them free range... but with the amount of hawks in my area, I don't think it's wise. Also, last weekend I saw three baby racoons nesting in a tree behind my property. dang wildlife!!
Shadow Rabbit10, I've never heard of permits for chickens. What is up with Pt lately? They are really looking to make a buck. Have you paid it yet? There is nothing I can see in the town ordinances about it, just pot-bellied pigs.

Regarding the hot weather, maybe you can make an ice block with fruit and stuff frozen in it, like Kool Dogz. Frozen chunks of watermelon are great, too.
Shadow Rabbit10, I've never heard of permits for chickens. What is up with Pt lately? They are really looking to make a buck. Have you paid it yet? There is nothing I can see in the town ordinances about it, just pot-bellied pigs.

Regarding the hot weather, maybe you can make an ice block with fruit and stuff frozen in it, like Kool Dogz. Frozen chunks of watermelon are great, too.

We have not paid it yet, but we have to. I'm starting to get annoyed with their laws... And BTW, the online ordinance is NOT the whole thing. It is only part of it. You actually need to go to the town hall and ask about the whole ordinance. It is really inconvenient and bothersome.
We use 1 by 1's but any size will do. The rabbits keep the tiles clean, but I'm sure the chickens will be different. I would just hose them off at the end of the day. Again, the cold won't last forever,but it works better than ice. Oh, and to disinfect, we find that vinegar is a great, natural, animal safe cleaner. :)
my chickens did fine last summer...if they have shade, can dust bathe and plenty of water they do fine...mine did fine in the 100+ temps last July tho the chix at Fair were really suffering and many animals went home a day early for safety reasons

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