New Jersey

96 down here Just north of Wildwood....and the temps have gone down since mid-day...staying home while all the idiots are baking and paying thru the nose to park ($125 and UP to park if you can even get over the bridges...took my daughter an hour and a half to get off the island) for the Kenny Chesney FREE concert in Wildwood
You couldnt get me anyweres near wildwood on a weekend. I can't believe these city folks would sit in bumber to bumber traffic for 4-5 hours just to bake on the beach. I use to live in Point Pleasant Beach. I feel for you Dragon.

Look, I got my first egg on sunday!! It's the little one .... compared to a cage free organic one from the store. I've only got 2 hens that are at POL. A white orpington, and a lavender one .... any one know which one would have layed it? I thought the white one would lay white eggs, but I don't know why I think that.....

Wow, congrats!! How old are they? I guess either could have laid it, do you see one hanging in the nest box? I am still waiting. My girls are 17 weeks and three are looking ready.
Well the white one hangs out in the nest boxes sometimes... But this was in the run when I got home from running errands on Sunday. And I haven't seen any more either! They're 21 weeks today, but I thought Orps were notorious late layers so really I didn't have my hopes up... Too much anyway lol
I just found this thread and I am SOOOOOOO excited!!! Hello from Burlington County! Pemberton Borough to be specific.And I am going to reach out to ThatChick in Pemberton for sure!!! I got my 3 GSL's and 2 bantams (which I recently learned are both roo's) in April so they are now 12 weeks old. Here are some recent pictures.

Here are Ariel, Belle and Goldilocks at 10 wks.

And here is Prince Charming and Snow White - who are both roosters.

Prince Charming started crowing at 9 weeks. He was originally Cinderella! Snow White started imitating him (very poorly I might add!) about 2 weeks ago. I am not sure if we are even allowed to have roosters, but so far no one has complained. But Prince Charming is going through his teenage boy stage and is not too charming. He's pulling on my girls' tail feathers. And he has pecked me a time or two, but also lets me pick him up. He has an attitude for sure. Snow White on the other hand, is afraid of his/her own shadow. Not aggressive at all. I have been told she is a roo but have also heard that girls crow, so I am confused! She does not have the showy long feathers that PC does.

I would like to trade them for a standard roo and another layer. As hard as it will be to give them up (I have had them since week 1) he seems too aggressive and I'm afraid it will only get worse. I want to find them good homes where they won't end up on the dinner table - they are my pets and I could NEVER do that! I'm actually thinking of giving up chicken (I don't eat red meat so would not be too hard). I would like a sweet standard roo.

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