New member here - Happy New Year!

Hi there -

I'm a backyard chicken keeper, and have been since last summer. I have 2 black silkie cross hens and just yesterday hatched out 3 beautiful white silkie chicks. This was my first time hatching eggs and it was nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time. I purchased fertilized eggs and placed them under my broody hen. I am learning a lot about raising chickens and still have much more to learn.

I'm in California (SF Bay Area). I've always wanted to live on a farm for as long as I can remember despite my being raised in the suburbs, but circumstances lead me to stay here near jobs and family. So last summer, I figured why not start raising chickens in my backyard? I had heard of other people doing that so I figured why not. I ordered a coop from Tractor Supply, and found someone nearby that had chickens for sale. I purchased two young little black chickens, not knowing what breed they were. The person I bought them from had a very mixed flock so he wasn't sure either. Well they grew up and I realized they were Silkie mixes and when they started laying eggs it was so cool! I also have a pet bunny and I love to garden in my backyard. My kids call it "our little farm". I've expanded the chicken run and recently built a cute little bunny run to give our bunny a lot more room to run as well. Being in my backyard with my chickens, bunny, and garden is my Happy Place.

I am always looking up stuff on BYC but this is my first time posting!
Welcome to BYC!!

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