New Member Introduction


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 15, 2014
Southern PA
I live in southern PA, we keep children, chickens, and bees ;-). After giving away our flock last year to give our ground a rest... :-(.... I am now building my fun flock- 2 buff orps, 1 speckled Sussex, 1 light brahma, 1black astrolorp, 1silver laced...a copper maran on the way, and hoping for a cream legbar! We live right in the middle of town, and love our little farm in the boro!
Warm welcome from Idaho!!
I live in southern PA, we keep children, chickens, and bees ;-). After giving away our flock last year to give our ground a rest... :-(.... I am now building my fun flock- 2 buff orps, 1 speckled Sussex, 1 light brahma, 1black astrolorp, 1silver laced...a copper maran on the way, and hoping for a cream legbar! We live right in the middle of town, and love our little farm in the boro!
- on keeping children! Welcome to BYC!!
Welcome from Western NY! So neat that you can have a little farm right in the middle of your town. It's always nice when you live someplace that allows you to do what you want.
Hehehe definitely little! I think our lot is 100 or 150x50. But we have chickens, bees, fruit trees/bushes, garden....our neighbors are what coined it as a little farm in the city :D thankfully they don't mind...probably the free eggs and honey help ;). Our dream is to have a self sustaining farm in the country

Welcome to BYC!

Love how you said, you "keep" children.
Sounds like you have a very nice farmstead going! Make yourself at home here on BYC and welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sounds like have a nice little homestead in the city, and a pretty little flock of chickens. Good luck with your garden projects this year and new chickens, bee hives and children :gig keeping.

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