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Kristen Marie

In the Brooder
Jan 3, 2023
2 days before Christmas my was left with about 100 chickens 7 geese and 9 ducks. I have no experience raising them I've just been doing the best I can. I was just so happy they made it through that cold weather we had. I do not have a barn or a hen house for them yet. that is supposed to come in the future, I don't own the land so I only have so much control right now I'm in the middle of trying to make chicken trailers, I hate it personally I think it's cruel to keep anything locked up all the time, I think free range would be so much better but what do I know. I know I have a lot of learning to do and I'm sure I'll have lots of questions. I was so relieved when a friend of mine sent me a invite to the group on Facebook and that led me here

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