New member with guinea fowl emphasis


5 Years
Hello to all poultry lovers! I just want to introduce myself as a bird loved- with about 50 guineas and a few chickens. As you can see- emphasis on guineas. I have been keeping and raising them a few years and have my battles with predators - some wins, some losses. It seems ongoing. Located on the eastern shore of MD, just had my flock certified so yes, i will be selling keets and hatching eggs if spring EVER arrives!
Looking forward to reading and learning!
momma guinea- Fowl Play guineas

Welcome to BYC!

This is the place to be when you own poultry! You might like to share your experience and birds in our Guinea section here on BYC....

Great to have you aboard and enjoy all your birds!!
I live on barely a little over an acre, completely fenced and gated. I am about to build my first chicken coop from purchased plans for the 8 ladies in our brooder. I am considering adding a couple of guineas to our mini mini 'farm' and desperately need some advice. The guineas are mostly to be my 'watch dogs' for the hens as we will not get a rooster. I have read how noisy guineas are, possibly annoying to neighbors, and how they travel. I need to know if I also get 4 more chicks along with the guineas, like Aurcanas (however that is spelled) and raise them together in the additional coop that will added to the new one I am about to build, will they also eventually get along with the chicks we have now? We have 4 full size and 4 bantams. Has any one ever pinioned their guineas as chicks and had success in keeping them in boundary and safe from predators? Should I get 3 or 4 guinea instead of just 2? I have an inground pool that is not screened in. Will this be a hazard for the guineas as they like to fly?

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