New Member


Jan 11, 2017
Claypool, Indiana
Hi! My name is Heather Priser. Im 31 and have been married for five years. I also have three amazing children. Ages 11, 4, and 2. Ive never raised anything besides cats and dogs. My husband and i just moved out to the country and have a huge yard. It comes with a pool barn and a chicken coop. Ive always loved animals and wanted to have a mini farm. I cant decide whether chickens or geese will be a better fit for my family. obvioulsy, id want an animal that wont attack my children, or make them sick. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thank you and God Bless!
G’Day from down under HeatherPriser

I have only owned chickens as pets and not geese so I am sorry that I can not give you any advice as to which are better pets, if either.

I can say that my chickens are wonderful pets and we so very much enjoy having them.

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun. Unlike non chicken loving friends, family and colleagues, BYC’ers never tire of stories or pictures that feature our feathered and non feathered friends
Welcome to BYC, and congratulations on your new home. What do you 'want' from your poultry ? That will help with your decision on species.
Buff orps are a very nice breed - I think geese would go after you and your children - they are very territorial and protective.

I like chickens but they seem to be a poultry gateway...start with chickens, move on to ducks, move on to geese, maybe try some quail... Next thing you know, you have everything, lol. And that's not a bad thing.

Thanks for joining us!
Greetings from Kansas, Heather, and :welcome! Great to have you here. I'm of the opinion that of all the poultry types, chickens are the easiest to start with. The water demands of ducks and geese are huge and if you don't have have a pond.... but chickens, particularly since you already have a coop, take just a few minutes a day to manage and if you select a laying breed, will reward you with yummy eggs. Just my opinion. Best of luck in whatever you decide. :)

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