New member

Christopher Shelton

In the Brooder
Sep 23, 2017
Floral, Arkansas
Hello all. I'm glad to be a new member of this interesting new group forum and look forward to learning from all the combined experience and knowledge of all members here. My name is Chris and I am a 4th generation Chicken Farmer. All my Life my family and extended family in the surrounding area have had broiler houses with up to 16000 broiler chicken in each of our four houses on our family farm for as long as I've been alive but recently our family had too close down all our chicken houses because it's just wasn't financially feasible to run them anymore and the houses where very old so they have been without chickens in them since 2015. While it seems that this is a typical story all around my state of Arkansas. All the chicken farmers have been pushed out of business by the high upkeep cost and fuel cost combined with low price of chickens per pound but I guess it's just a sign of the times. While we have no more chicken farming going on here anymore. The chicken farmer in me can't stay idol. So for the past few years I have been buying and experimenting with all kinds of pure breed chickens from chocolate Orpington from Green Fire Farms to white leghorns from Tractor Supply. I love all chicken breeds and while I know a lot about chickens i find i can always learn something new and enjoy doing so. Every breed has something new to learn. I am currently raising a new flock of chicks I just got a couple of week's ago called Buckeyes and am really looking forward to watching them grow out and see how they behave and what their personality is like. Thanks for listening to me ramble on and glad to be a part of a group of like minded individuals, God Bless!


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Hello Chris,

Nice to meet you! Welcome. Thank you for joining, it is always a pleasure to meet new folks and try to help out every bit we can.
If you have any questions- please feel free to ask! You will meet many nice folks that love to help and are amazing to talk to. Believe it or not, my best friends that mean a lot to me are on here... I met a majority of them here!

Your adventures will be merry with those adorable little chicks! Good luck, God bless. Have a wonderful evening!

-The Angry Hen
Hi Chris and welcome to BYC :frow We're so excited you've joined our flock:ya Really cute little fluf balls:love I'd like to suggest a slightly different model at least worth a look... Some of his commentary may be offensive--but it's worth a look. Pastured Poultry Profits is a great book. But take a look through the polyface farms website as well. He's a $3.1M producer these days--but focuses on an entirely different market space.

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