New member

Welcome aboard to BYC family gr8 people tons of information, loads of fun, enjoy shake yourtail feathers :wee:yesss::woot:celebrate:eek::goodpost:
Welcome home Granny! You are going to like it here and I bet we are going to enjoy having you! @NFC has a baking thread post in their signature you can click on to access the baking thread. OK I can't get it to notify NFC that you are here the thread is titled "Any home bakers here?" ahh had the handle wrong @N F C
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Hi everyone, my name is Martha but everyone calls me Granny. On here I'm Chickengranny9. We have had chickens for 2 years, however I was raised with chickens. We currently have 68 great chickens. We have Bantams, (OEC, Cochins & Barred rock). We also have Austrolorpe, Barred rock, RIR, Salmon Favorelles, Speckeled Sussex, Silver laced Wyandotte & more. My hobbies, after the chickens are baking & sewing. I hope this is being posted on the right thread. Computers are not my strong point. I'm happy to belong to this group which I heard of thru the BYC group on FB.
We live in Hog Valley which is in the Ocala Natl Forest, with a mailing address of Ft McCoy.
Granny :frow :welcome
Hi everyone, my name is Martha but everyone calls me Granny. On here I'm Chickengranny9. We have had chickens for 2 years, however I was raised with chickens. We currently have 68 great chickens. We have Bantams, (OEC, Cochins & Barred rock). We also have Austrolorpe, Barred rock, RIR, Salmon Favorelles, Speckeled Sussex, Silver laced Wyandotte & more. My hobbies, after the chickens are baking & sewing. I hope this is being posted on the right thread. Computers are not my strong point. I'm happy to belong to this group which I heard of thru the BYC group on FB.
We live in Hog Valley which is in the Ocala Natl Forest, with a mailing address of Ft McCoy.
Welcome to the crew.

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