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In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2021
Hello group, glad I found you! My wife and I have decided to raise chickens again! We had a flock of chickens when our kids were young because I wanted to teach the kids responsibility...and of course to get 'free' eggs. That was almost 40 years ago; the kids are grown up and we've decided to teach the grandchildren the same things, plus we've always enjoyed raising animals. We are down to one old dog and 6 rescue cats (our daughter is a vet and we 'adopt' cats that have been abused and/or "dropped off"). We purchased 6 Rhode Island Red chicks to begin our new flock and I have given up half of my work shed for the temporary chicks home. Now in the process of designing and then building our new chicken coop. This project will take a while; my wife has Stage 4 lung cancer and I am in remission from Esophageal Cancer, have COPD, and some pretty bad degenerative disc issues in my back (my "reward" from running a firewood business for over 30 years!). We started with 35+ acres of property many years ago and have sold off some sections to trim it down to 11+/- manageable acres now. I do a large amount of landscaping work on the yard area with about 3 acres of 'lawn'.
Looking forward to participating in the group!
Welcome to BYC! This awesome community of poultry keepers and experts will be very excited to jump in and answer whatever questions you may have. 😊

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