New Mexico

Jaime- I am in the SW part of the state by Lordsbug, Silver City, Deming....I should have some for sell soon. If I am to far, I should have eggs hopefully in the next couple of months. Where are you located.

Aubrey- I love Frizzles. They are so cute!
I am not sure yet. I probabley would only ship eggs. The chicks are so tiny and fragile as it is....I don't know how they would do shipping. I don't know any one who ships day olds. I'll have to post pictures of the babies. they are smaller than any bantam. The are so, so, so tiny. They remind me of baby bird that fall out of there nests!!!
Actually I was planning on picking them up lol but you are 7 hrs away so yeah eggs would be best probably. I'll have to see if my silkie chick is a female, if so she would be perfect to set a few next spring. I'm fairly sure I'll have at least one good mom out of this batch. How much would eggs be do you think?
by spring I should have alot even by early fall. I want to hatch some out here first to see how the fertibility is. I am not sure what I'll charge maybe $10 for a dozen+ plus shipping.
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Hey there! My name is Orna and I'm in Albuquerque. Our current pack includes: 4 dogs, 1 cat, 9 chickens, 2 bunnies, myself, DH and our 2 year old daughter Nava.
Never a dull moment!
Hi Orna

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