New Mexico

I have a huge Mulberry Tree in the front yard and most of the chickens sleep way up in it. In the morning or at late feeding it rains chickens down on your head. I call them my NM Tree Chickens.

I have many kinds of chickens, mostly mutts but some like Frizzles, or Silkie's, RIR, really big roosters, and really snotty hens! I also have a bunch of NM Tree Chickens.

What is a NM Tree Chicken?
What is a NM Tree Chicken?

Hi fellow New Mexican's! How much snow has fallen where you are located? Our backyard literally seperates Albuquerque from Rio Rancho. We recieved 6in+! And it's still snowing. The girls are experiencing real snow fall for the 1st time. They didnt want to leave the coop. I scooped out the snow that had blown in and put 4in of fresh straw in half the run because they seem to not like cold wet feet! They are out now digging around unaffected by the falling flakes! And I get a snow day from work! Can't scoop poop in the snow!
Is anyone else from NM heading for the poultry show in Shawnee, OK this weekend?
Live in the east mountains outside ALb. and have about 8=9 inches. Yesterday the ladies went out to free range but wouldn't go back to the coop at night so I had toshovel a path for them back to the coop. Today they have not set a foot out of the coop. It is clear underneath the cooop but no one is going to try it!
I am worried about the cold tonight but will close them up and hopefully the snow that is on their coop will help insulate them from the worst of it. We will see tonight if it is true that you don't need to heat a coop.
My idiot chickens still sleep in the tree with no leaves in 19 degree weather. I keep expecting chickensicles to fall on me. The ones in the coop are snug and warm in their straw, but the tree birds refuse to sleep in there.
Not me I'm not advanced enough in chicken-dom for showing anything, or rather for knowing what can or should be shown. Plus all I have right now are Black Copper Marans, a couple easter eggers, and 14 baby Swedish Flower Hens. I guess I could show the BCMs but SFHs are a landrace breed and the EEs are mutts.

However, I really love to hear about shows and see pics from them- a vicarious pleasure. It would be swell if you'd give us a report and maybe post some pics of your birds.
Yep, and it's snowing right now,,, I'll bet they are on the porch but as soon as it gets a tiny bit darker they'll be in the tree.

How funny. Do they come down from the tree into the snow?
My grandpa had game chickens for many, many years, and they all slept in trees. His birds were very very good fighters, and after winning one fight someone asked him how he got his birds so tough. He replied, with a straight face, "I feed them bobcats." (He was a hilarious guy, always joking and pulling pranks, but he was very strong and tough himself- he was on Omaha Beach on D-Day, but never would talk about it.) He's the one who got me into breeding chickens when I was 8 years old

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