New Mexico

Been busy with a great hatch of shipped and local eggs. 30 chicks of Welsummer, Marans, Cuckoo Bluebar and a couple of EE/Welsummer crosses (so, I guess, Olive Eggers). Just waiting for a bit of grow out to see who stays and who goes to the swap. I know there will be a surplus of Welsummers.
at is awesome. I'm working on a small batch of easter egger cochin cross eggs.
Been busy with a great hatch of shipped and local eggs. 30 chicks of Welsummer, Marans, Cuckoo Bluebar and a couple of EE/Welsummer crosses (so, I guess, Olive Eggers). Just waiting for a bit of grow out to see who stays and who goes to the swap. I know there will be a surplus of Welsummers.

Congrats on the great hatches! Let me know what you have got extra before you head to the swap. :jumpy
OMG, There's actually people in the New Mexico thread! I usually just hear crickets when I wander into "New Mexico"

Love your user name! Yeah, sometimes it's really quiet and I guess people are on the NM Poultry Swaps Facebook page. Well that is a good source too.

I've got some blue Barnevelders that are finally looking blue. :yesss: Very happy about that. And my Svart Hona are doing great, I have two pullets that I hope will start laying soon, but.... it IS getting into winter now, so who knows. In the meantime my Svart hen is laying really well. I like the breed very much! Can't wait for my Barnies to go online and start laying. :D
YeH I only have one laying hen to. She is a fravolles. I have 8 others that I'm doing the waiting game with. I was really hoping they would stArt before the cold season. Well keep our fingers crossed though. It's still been t shirt weather out here in alb. So maybe.
Hi everyone - gorgeous day today and the cranes are landing now at the neighbor's. So fun to watch.

Sure will. Might even save me a trip.
Pullets or cockerels?

I only need pullets, since probably half of what I have growing out here are cockerels. Once I cull some, I think I'll have only 1 hen that doesn't lay blue/green, so a few Welsummers would be great. My roo is a BW Amaraucana, so future olive eggers are in the plans.

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