New Mexico

We really love it here. Just moved from the East Coast. Huge a good way. Any good swat meets or local hatcheries? We've bought our current 14 babies at the local Tractor Supply but have no idea what we have. They either weren't labeled or were labeled incorrectly. Thanks!
If anyone wants some Brahmas, I might be able to let some go in a few weeks. Especially if anyone wants really nice looking cockerels. I might have a few pullets that I'm willing to part with, it will depend on my next hatch. I have LF partridge brahmas and am hatching out some bantam dark brahmas. I hope to have my LF dark eggs in a few weeks. Waiting for the freeze to leave Minnesota so that the breeder can ship me some eggs.

Here's a picture of my current partridge brahma cockerel, he's almost 8 months old and an 8 month old pullet. I am only interested in keeping the blue pullets, if you breed black to black you only get black and blue to blue gives you splash (white). Black to blue is the only combination that I'm interested in keeping, so all of the others will be available once I know what the colors are going to be. The barnyard rooster is going into the pot as soon as the new coop apartments are finished (unless someone really wants him).

Also, I won't let any birds go out until I get my NPIP testing done and results back....I'm not sure how long that is going to take.

Hey Albuquerque peeps- I will be headed down to ABQ this week with baby goats and lambs for sale, pm me if you might be interested :)

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