New Mexico

Hello all, Logan, NM here.  We're just getting our flock started.  It will be a pretty mixed bunch but we've always enjoyed a variety of colors in other flocks we've seen and decided to go that route.  So far we have...

7 - Black Laced Gold Wyandotte pullets
2 - Blue Laced Red Wyandotte - cockerels
5 - Black Laced Silver Wyandotte - straight run
7 - Gold Sex Link pullets
6 - Black Sex Link pullets
4 - Easter Eggers straight run
4 - Welsummer straight run
3 - Silver Leghorn - straight run
4 - Buff Orpington - straight run
3 - Barnvelders - straight run
14 - Barred Rocks - straight run (8 known cockerels)
1 - Silver Pencil Rock - pullet

We're only going to keep 2-3 of the roos depending on how many hens we end up with.  The rest will head to the freezer unless we are able to trade some for other breeds of hens - specifically Columbian Wyandottes, White Leghorn or Speckled Sussex.   Those may have to wait until next year, my wife just might have my head if I buy any more soon lol
Hello from 30 minutes north! I breed rhode island reds and silkies spcificaly right now. I have about 70 chickens right now. I have at least two incubators running all the time, a 8×8 brooding pen with 21 chicks now, still building breeder pens for cochins and hybrids, and a 25×15 hen house. I'd be interested in trading for a blue laced red wyandotte roo! Just holler at me if if you need help or have any questions!
I suspect I may have gotten lucky and received a BLRW pullet, or more likely that's just wishful thinking and I've got one roo that's a bit slower in developing than the other. If I do indeed end up with 2, I'll definitely give you a shout.
Hello from northeast Albuquerque!
Just wanted to introduce myself and maybe get to know some of my fellow New Mexican chicken folks.
I grew up on a ranch in Texas with every kind of animal. But this is my first flock of chickens as an adult.

I have 7 little Ladies 1 and 2 weeks old:

Dorothy- Delaware
Rose- Buff Orpington
Sophia- Black Maran
Blanche- RIR
Josephine- Ameraucauna
Fiona- Golden Lace Wyandotte
Janet- Speckled Sussex

Coop is under construction and I will post pics when completed. Can't wait!

I'm just enjoying this all so much!

(We also have 5 cats and 2 dogs. And I'd love a goat eventually... thinking we'll need more land! I'm just crazy about critters, what can I say? )

Hi everyone
I will be soon moving from Florida to Santa Fe. I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips for my coop. The environment here in Florida is much different and I also live in a very Urban setting. I am mostly concerned about predators. Thanks for the advice!
Do you know where you will be living in Santa Fe? Some of it is pretty urban, other areas aren't as dense. I don't live there, but I remember driving through a few years ago and catching sight of a coyote going over the wall into someone's backyard. Check the zoning for where you intend to live. Good luck!

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