New Mexico

I started looking into the Wyandottes, they're absolutely gorgeous I think I'm going to switch to them from the Plymouth rocks I was originally thinking. I am amazed at just how sweet they and how gorgeous they look. Thank you so much for your reply

According to the research I've done, Plymouth rocks are pretty quiet... So, I'm pretty sure you could have both. :) I think I'm just going to get my first chickens from the local Tractor Supply Co. since: 1) is right here in the city, and 2) shipping is free/very little transport. I can't wait until I'm able to get my first chickens.
Less frostbite with Wyandottes IF it gets really cold. My Wyandotte-cross RSL's and rose-combed birds fared the winter elements (no black spots on combs) far better than the Marans. (I'm in the ABQ area, 5000-ish feet)
Good to know, I'm in Los lunas and want to make sure my babies are ok in the heart and cold the temps hit both extremes. I'm wondering as far as heating needed in the winter, anyone need to use heat mats? Do we need saddles to breed wyns?
Hello hello all! I know this is a really old thread, but I just thought I would announce my presence, :lau. I currently live in Southern New Mexico, and loving it! It gets a little hot, but that is a given. Anyway How have you all been?
Less frostbite with Wyandottes IF it gets really cold. My Wyandotte-cross RSL's and rose-combed birds fared the winter elements (no black spots on combs) far better than the Marans. (I'm in the ABQ area, 5000-ish feet)
I didn't know about Wyandottes being less susceptible to frostbite. We just got six in March (4 Wyandottes and 2 Rhode Island Reds) and live in the Rio Rancho area. I'm glad to find "locals" that have more experience than I do with chickens! There are some challenges here - hot weather being just one!
Hi, New Mexico peeps... have not been here for a while, just too busy on the farm. Hope you are all having a nice summer. :frow

I had some nice news and thought I'd share... Last year I got some Svart Hona chicks. From those I ended up with a gorgeous cockerel and a very nice pullet. She started laying a while back, but just recently I gathered eggs and put them in the incubator and yesterday hatched them out. My incubator is small, only holds 7 eggs, and although all 7 hatched, one chick did not live through the night. BUT I still have six nice lively chicks. I'm really happy about that! If I can manage to get a photo of all 6 in the same frame I'll post it, so far, they are amazingly agile for something less than 24 hours old. :D

As far as altitude: I live at 7,600'. I make sure my chickens are in the coop at night, mostly to protect them from predators of course but that also happens to be when it gets the coldest, and I've not had any frostbite or anything like that due to cold. I never use heat at all. My coops are well protected from the wind, I think that helps a lot, because it does indeed get super cold here sometimes. I've had: Dominiques, Welsummers, Marans, Barnevelders and the Svart Höna. There is a lady who lives relatively nearby (only 20 miles away!!! LOL) who has all KINDS of chickens, she is working on a breeding program to produce a chicken with a rose comb that tolerates both heat and cold and lays well. I have not been by there in a while to see how she's coming along, but I know she goes to the state fair and shows her birds there and often does really well. So I think a person could raise just about any breed of chicken here, and as long as they have a good coop they will do well.
I purchased two ducks for my little sister the other day, supposed to be a drake and a hen, but I think they are both drakes.:thAnyway, we love them both, (just gotta figure out where to get a hen now.)
For all of those who are interested, I have chickens for sale! Small to medium size ones, as well as a couple of young large cockerals. Most of them are OEGB mixes, of which are all laying and breeding age, except for the cockerals. $10 Each for the adults, $5 each for young cockerals (My definition of young is 2-4 months, anything older is an adult in my price range)
Hello, I'm in Albuquerque right now, need to find a home for a rooster and his very smart daughter. I just want them to go to a good home with other chickens. The older chickens in the flock are going to a sedate home where they can live out the rest of their days, but Rafael needs a flock and Snowflake can't go with them because she goes over the fence and visits the neighbors.

If you want to introduce a new bloodline into your flock, this is a very healthy, white/red beautiful rooster who has historically produced large, healthy babies, along with one of his daughters. I am moving in a little over a week and they cannot come with me. He is very sweet, gentle, and companionable with people and other animals. His daughter is the smartest chicken I have ever had. They are not accustomed to being enclosed in a small area. They free-roam the yard all day and only go in the coop at night. Please help if you can.

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