New Mexico

We had a few sprinkles, but man, we need a lot more! Nice to see you here, btw.
Anyone have French Black Copper Marans around here? I've been trying to hatch some but it is not working out at all. Oh and the smoke here is terrible, can't even spend time outside. I feel bad for my poor chickens outside.
I have French Black Copper and some Blue Copper Marans. I have 6 that are almost laying. I also have 20 more that are 8 weeks. It will be a while before I have chicks but check back with me.
It is hot out there! Quail are panting and I have to keep hosing down the chickens shade to keep them cool. It is amazing however, that wet ground can be 10 to 15 degrees cooler than dry ground.

As for the quail, cold peas are like popsicles on a hot day for them. Cools them right down.
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A little less smoke the past couple of days but I think the chickens are just happy to sit in the shade. I am glad that it has been a while since the bear has come to visit. Hopefully the smoke encouraged him to find a new place to dine. Hope all is well for everyone else as well!
The smoke was pretty bad last week- it irritated my sinuses until I finally started getting daily nosebleeds and a sore throat. Yesterday and today I've been rather miserable with my poor messed up sinuses- stuffy, runny nose (at the same time), sneezing, watering eyes, coughing, sore throat, bloody nose, and now my ears are infected..... ugh. But the chickens are fine lol

As for the heat, I will NOT complain! I do keep an eye on the critters and make sure they are safe, but I am so grateful for warmth that I am NOT going to complain about it! It will be cold soon enough lol
Quite a bit of smoke here, but I am miraculously unaffected by it. I can't even really smell it, and I don't even feel it in my sinuses. I'm the lucky one in a thousand. I was supposed to be up near Big Lake camping with the girls in our youth group starting tomorrow, and am very sad not to be able to go to my beloved forest. We're headed up to Lake Roberts instead, which should be nice, especially now that the Miller fire is calmed down so well.

I've got new chicks hatching this weekend. 7 so far, and another 14 or so eggs waiting. Just mutt babies from my flock, but it's sure fun to see how they all look and trying to figure out who their parents are. These are for my sister and her grandkids.

Have a great week all! Wish me luck camping...

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