New Pigeon Flock: Pictures and Questions. Help?


11 Years
Mar 7, 2008
"Winter will be here soon. It's time to cut back on what you want to keep and what you want to break ice for."


...Then I agreed to buy out someone's pigeon flock. I wish I knew what was wrong with my head.

I haven't picked up the flock yet and pictures were sent to me. Sometime by the end of the week I'll get to drive out of town and bring them home. I'm really hoping they'll be as much fun as our parentally-challenged dove pair was...only these need to be much better parents.

There are a few mixed breeds in the lot then some purebreds. Does anyone recognize the breeds in there so I can dive into researching them? I'm guessing I need separate pens if I want to keep them pure. How long will the hen store semen before you can expect her to have pure chicks? Can I even separate them out when they have been flocking together like this?

So many questions. Time to become an armchair pigeon expert in a day.



Wow, neat. Sorry i have no clue about pigeon breeds and such but I know how to raise them
so if you ever need to get rid of some or are selling eggs (can be mutts) pm me please. Thanks, Nicole
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Apparently there are some rollers and croppers in there. I have no idea which rollers or croppers (why does every country out there have to have a strain of rollers and croppers?), but it narrows things down at least.

Once I get them I'll post pictures and breeds for the rare few on here to raise 'em
Yes, there are a few that were loose when the pictures were taken. I'll have to ask if there are any homers in the bunch. I don't plan on letting any out of the pen we have since we have very skilled hawks that roam the area, but if a pigeon does get loose I want to know it'll at least stay in the yard until we can trick it into entering the pen again.
I haven't caught any of them, or seen them in person yet. This is a flock I'm picking up later this week for my own. With gas prices the way they are a long distance trip isn't worth it for either of us unless we can confirm they're being bought.

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