New Pullets (I hope)


In the Brooder
Jun 21, 2016
I am a second time backyard chicken owner. My first flock was in a different state. I had 9 Leghorns. 1 rooster and 8 hens.
I moved and just started a new flock. 9 weeks ago I was given 4 chicks from a kindergarten class that hatched them as a project. Two have already been identified as roosters and were given to a local farm. (I cannot have a rooster in the city limits). I thought the remaining two were pullets but recently, the one pictured below began making a noise similar to a crow. It doesn't go "cock-a-doodle-do" like my Leghorn. It is more like "coo-cu-coo". I think it is an Austra White. Any ideas. Could it be a dominant hen?

Hi and welcome to BYC - it seems you have some rather bad news about this fella

Best wishes

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