new roo won't roost with pullets

Zoom Zoom

6 Years
Mar 15, 2014
Rolla, MO
Hello eveyone. I'm trying to help my neighbor who added a year old polish crested mix roo to her flock of twelve, eight month old production red pullets two days ago. She put him on the roost with the others the night she brought him home. Several pullets fought him a bit the next morning but then they all settled down. They all stay together during the day (free range), one pullet stays close to him and he is trying to mate several of them. Everything is fine during the day but he will not go into the coop at night to roost. He flies to the greenhouse roof then flies onto tree branches and spends the night there. She has tried to entice him into the coop with treats, tried to catch him but he flies away. Does anyone have suggestions on what she can do? Thanks
Does anyone have suggestions on what she can do?
Return him to roost once more after dark, then keep them on lock down for a couple days while he "homes" to his new coop and ladies. Maybe then he will follow the routine.

Otherwise, before long he will teaching his ladies to follow him.


ETA: folks should not have to feel bad about being on lock down for a few days when we are talking about potentially saving the birds life by avoiding predation. ;)
Thanks. She can't catch him to put him on the roost, he flies away, and he will fly out of the run. Should he be kept in coop by himself during the day? -if she can catch him.
She can't catch him to put him on the roost, he flies away, and he will fly out of the run.
If she has a ladder, she can get him after he is asleep. This is almost always the easiest time to catch or treat birds if needed.

I would keep the ladies with him... but it's always an adventure and learning process.. since things rarely go as we anticipate. :barnie
Sorry update is tardy. After clipping his wings to keep him in the run, he started voluntarily getting on his new, elevated roost on the fourth night. Everybody is happy and peaceful now. Thanks again

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