New Roost!!!

I'm not allowed to use the circular saw :hmm only the jig saw & I have a hand saw, that's better than nothing. Any serious building, Hubby does :ya

well normally the hubby would be the one to do any of this but he is in TN and it needed to be done now with temps dropping and to aid my baby boy in the healing process of his hurt foot so someone had to do it and why are you only allowed the jig saw
I'm accident prone :barnie
As careful as I am when using tools, I sometimes get carried away. I've given myself a black eye when a laundry basket I was carrying got between me & the door way, hit me in the face. I've stabbed myself & cut myself with a utility knife cutting cardboard boxes. If it weren't for my wearing glasses, there has been several times I probably would have stabbed my eyes out. Once I bent over to pick something up in the garden, luckily for me the tomato stake missed my eye, didn't beak skin. I walk into walls that have been in place forever. Once I had gone up on the roof to patch some seams, the wind blew the ladder down & I was stuck on the roof. The lady next door was home, kept yelling for her to call my Dad...No way was I going to tell my Hubby, there's alot he don't know or he'd lock every tool up :lau Older now & slowing down so that helps, I just make sure I take my Tetanus Shot every 5 - 10yrs :D
I had to sneak a peak to see if the were enjoying their new digs
Good job.
Do you have a sander?
Those edges look a bit sharp.

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