New Roost!!!


Mar 28, 2017
Kenner, LA.
Well with my husband being in TN right now I had to take on the project of giving my babies a new more comfortable roosting area because the one that my mom's friend put up was too high too thick and it was metal and with the temp outside dropping I was worried of it bothering their feet. Not to mention that my baby boy hurt his left leg somehow because he has been limping for the past week with no visible injuries which made me wonder if maybe he hurt him self getting on or off the dang thing. So this weekend I was determined to give them something mainly him something more comfortable hoping that it would help get rid of the limp. He has been crated all week and the limp has subsided tremendously to the extent that when I let him out to asses the situation of the limp he immediately went and successfully mounted a couple of the girls without slipping off like he had been when the limping started. He is still limping but he is feeling much better but I am still being cautiously vigilant of him.

But getting back on track I went to work on a better roost that took me all weekend to put together because I had a cheap $10 cordless drill that wouldn't hold a charge to save your life but I quickly solved that problem. I recycled one of my boys old bunk bed ladders which made it to where it was one less thing to measure and cut. Went and got some 2x4s some 1x1s and some fence boards because I figured while I was at it might as well make a poop tray to go with it.

By the end of the day I was so proud of myself for accomplishing the job all by myself for the most part I had a little help here and there from 1 or 2 of my kids but the majority of it I did myself I sent the hubby a few pics here and there and he responded with not bad for my first time by myself.





I had to sneak a peak to see if the were enjoying their new digs
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