New to Backyard Chickens

brodalick, post a pic of them if you can. But yes, older hens especially can have some pretty impressive spurs. I'm guessing they might just be older, 2+ years, and laying is slowing down a lot. If that's the case, they'll start up once the days get longer, say over 12 hours, I think 14 is optimal for egg production. Sorry you're not getting eggs like you'd hoped for! What are you feeding them?
I acquired them from my wife's uncle. He has about 40-45 hens and he captured me 6 one night at dark. I called him last night and he told me they were not Rhode Island Reds but they were the Bantam breed, He told me that it was hard to know if the 6 he grabbed were laying because they were all free roaming, but he was getting between 30-36 eggs per day. I just find it hard to believe that he accidentally grabbed 6 non-layers.
I acquired them from my wife's uncle. He has about 40-45 hens and he captured me 6 one night at dark. I called him last night and he told me they were not Rhode Island Reds but they were the Bantam breed, He told me that it was hard to know if the 6 he grabbed were laying because they were all free roaming, but he was getting between 30-36 eggs per day. I just find it hard to believe that he accidentally grabbed 6 non-layers.
Wait awhile & maybe they will start laying. Are their combs & wattles red ?
Positive they are hens. Two with long spurs, one with 1/8 inch spurs, one with little bumps and two with nothing visible and little skinny legs. I will see if I can post a pic of them. My wife's uncle told me this morning that his have just started back laying, so I obviously I was confused about the laying when I received them. Maybe mine will start soon. I have a feeling the one with the largest spurs is beyond her egg laying years but she is, without a doubt, the mother hen of the bunch. She looks out after all the others so I will have to let her stick around for awhile. The food they have been giving their entire life is a crushed hog feed. The feed mill here in town said it was basically the same as the chicken feed only cheaper. Since I have had them, they get the crushed hog feed, laying crumble, grit and whole corn once or twice a week. They are not fed outside the coop or run and only get what they hunt when turned out. I know most of this sounds juvenile to most of you, but I just want to make sure I am doing it right. Maybe I should have just let them run free 24/7 like her uncle does and maybe I would eggs by now.
If they're bantams, they might just not be great egg layers. Some breeds aren't bred for the big production levels. Since you don't know for sure they were laying, I'll bet they're just on the winter break. Things should be happening by Easter. Your feed sounds good to me, I think you're doing everything right. I'd still like to see a pic if you can get one up!
I will try to take a few pics tomorrow. I hope they are layers cause what I don't need is 7 more pets.
Sorry no pics today but I have great news. 2 eggs today. You would not think anyone could so excited over 2 eggs when you can buy 12 for less than 2 dollars at the store, but I was and still am. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

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