New to BYC. Roo or pullet???

Thank you very much for your replies. I would be so happy if they are all pullets.

Just recently the GLW seems rooish to us. She has started making different noises like she is trying to crow.

Thank you again.

i am going to disagree, i believe i see roo feathers coming on the neck of the buff in last pic. i am not real sure on the barred either. How old are they?
Oh, that would make me so sad.
She is the most loving of course.

We got them July 27. They were all between 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 weeks old. That makes them 11 or so weeks old.
I think they are all pullets. I'd keep an eye on the GLW though...While the coloring looks sort of splotchy (which I believe is a characteristic of the males), the comb and wattles don't look big/red enough for a cockerel at 11 weeks. But just to be safe...
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