New to chickens, can they be raised in Alaska????

As much as I love Alaska, Big Lake is not the place for me. The mountains are too far away, the ground is too flat, the trees are too small...I could go on. We will re-locate eventually, to Palmer probably. I miss waking up to the forrest and mountains in my backyard.
I think we should at least mention chickens in some of these posts, lol. Um, I love my baby chicks. I have to go change their litter.
That just reinforces why I like Palmer so much. When you mentioned how great the soil is made me really think cause almost more than anything we want a greenhouse and a garden to be as self-sufficient as we can (slowly since we're learning) but that's the goal.

So how are the babies doing? Got any new pics? How did the chic starter feed work out for them? I guess we really should be talking about chickens "in Alaska" heehee.

YEAH, Things are looking up!!!

Hubby might have a job (year round) as a carpenter. Also applying for house right now in Palmer
still waiting to hear, but so far so good. Looks like we should be leaving next weekend

Cornerstone Maintenance, if all goes well. I don;t know anything about the company other than what I found online. But the pay is descent and it's suppose to be year round so yeah. The guy said he had over 20 applicant's resumes onhis desk and my hubbys stood out. So sounds good. He wants us up there asap too.

Do you know anything about them???
I don't exactly want to put the address on the public forum so I PM'd you ok. Not that I mind Mrs. AK Bird Brain or Kodiak knowing at all, it's others I haven't talked to on here you know.
Thanks for trying to find anything out for me. It's hard when we're still here and are so limited. I know they are based in Anchorage. If he definitly gets the CM job the commute to Anch. might suck but that's alright with him. Works work right. We just hope that the guy he talked to in hiring was being truthful about year round work available. He also applied to Arctic Structures but never heard anything back yet. Their website said they are actually hiring in Palmer so that might had been nice, but we didn't know anything about the pay or anything else.
Still so much work to do but loving getting ready to go now!!!!

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