New to chickens, can they be raised in Alaska????

Carpenter sounds great in building the most fabulous COOP AND RUN for chickens .... HECK he can insulate the coop big time , so they are never cold ....

I guess the difference between your soon to be area and mine is , here in South Louisiana , is HEAT , RAIN , HUMIDITY and HURRICANES . YOURS would be ICE AND SNOW and very cold temps.

LOL! That's ok... I think that's a great mix of chicks... I'm so glad you guys "met" here on BYC.
Hey there Cajunlizz,

Yeah we made it up here. Found a farmhouse and a 20 acre farm. We love it here so much and are making friends. I've been to Louisiana and I know all about that heat and humidity. I hate it. My roots and family are in the south but I wouldn't leave the North if you paid me. We lost a home in Va during hurricane Isabel in '03 . Much rather have the snow and cold to the heat. Plus we raise Alaskan Malamutes so this is home for them. Much luck to you in La. Being in Southern La were you ok during Katrina?
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Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

LOL! That's ok... I think that's a great mix of chicks... I'm so glad you guys "met" here on BYC.

Me too, Aimee is such a sweetie and we seem to have quite a bit in common.​
Well Welcome nakactress. This is such an awesome place to meet new friends and learn lots about chickens.

So why did you leave AK? I love homeschooling my kids too!

hi there .

Glad you are happy at your new location . I have been in Lafayette ALL my life . I guess putting you in South Louisiana is JUST AS BAD as putting a CAJUN BORN family in Alaska .

We're use to the heat and humidity . and have only FAIR winters . IN ALASKA we would freeze to DEATH . LOL

We had NO problems from Katrina . We live 2 hours SE from New Orleans . about 45 minutes from Baton Rouge .
BUT , we did have to evacuate for Rita . THAT was OK , thank GOD we got very little damage and spent the week with Hubby's relatives in Arkansas that kindly opened their doors to us all . And mother in law and step son and grandson JOINED us there so , we had a family Hurricane experience and reunion ALL together .
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That's great you didn't have too much damage. I was actually born in NC and raised between there and SE VA. I have always been use to but hated the heat down there. I welcome the

We had to evacuate into the hills of Tenn during Isabel came back to a house that had over 18" of water and sewage in it and everything was ruined, at least on the first floor. The house had so much floor damage later on from warping and rotting, we had to move. But hey all works out in the end!!

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