New to chickens thinking bout breeds


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 24, 2009
I was thinking about getting one Ameracana, one Australorp and one black star. What are your suggestions to starting a small backyard flock?
All of those are very nice breeds. I personally especially like the barred rocks, so full of personality. Best of luck which ever you decide.
from S. Florida.
What are your reasons for having chickens. It is difficult to make a meaningful suggestion without knowing that. People keep them as pets, for eggs, for meat, for meat and eggs, for various breeding purposes, to show, many combinations of these and more reasons. These are all legitimate reasons and all deserve respect.

The first link may help point you to breeds good for you. The other two links will tell you something about the different breeds.

My Pet Chickens


The Henderson chart
Ridgerunner- I want friendly chickens that produce a nice amount of eggs. I really like the Australorps, but I want a variety. Thank you for the links
If you're wanting good layers that have a great personality, Australorps are definately an excellent choice, also Orpingtons are good and I've heard good things about Barred Rocks but I personally don't have any experience with those.
Are Australorps hard to find? I really like them, but do you think I could find some easily? I need pullets.
Cackle Hatchery in Missouri were including Australorps in their assortment a week or two ago. That means they had extras. They may still have some. You might look at the Sussex also. I think they meet your criteria.
I'm not an expert, but in my flock the Rhode Island Reds and the Orpington are the friendliest, and they produce very well. My leghorns are the best layers, but they are crazy!

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